There are so many people other there that have the identical cheesy web site. Some hosting accounts give some sort of cost-free utility to construct websites like Internet site Studio. Plus their are maketers that will sell a package that includes a hundred templates that can be modified in Microsoft Word, Dreamweaver or even Frontpage. and then there folks like Stone Evans with his Plug-in-profit web site he sells where everyone who joins gets the very same internet site just with distinct get in touch with info on it [[|dish network satellite tv fresno california]] . But there is a much better solution, I have a hosting organization that gives all of its web site owners a package called Cpanel. In cpanel there is an icon for anything called Fantastico which will set up application for you that is gennerally what is reffered to as OpenSource programs. programs such as Wordpress, PHPNuke, and my individual favourite a package which is a completeContent Management Remedy called Drupal. The first two packages I mentioned are really restricted in what they give you, mostly just an opensource Blogging software program. Drupal offers you this also but also provides you a lot much more like the capacity to have a forum on your website, or to create a book which makes use of authors from all about the world. I have RSS feeds of different news sources that automatically update several instances per week plus I have Google Adsense adds on all my pages. The ads alter primarily based on the content of my pages but they are a great way to make additional earnings. Rather than tell you about all the characteristics you can go straight to and look at all the things you can get. You can download distinctive themes to adjust the appear of your internet site plus you can get what are known as Modules which enable you to add particular attributes to your pages like probably a shopping cart and solution catalog. I am utilizing Drupal now for all my sites and I'm even contemplating taking my Plug-In-profit site and seeing how i could transpose it to a Drupal internet site. My PIPS website is at, My Drupal site is Now if you have much more than one particular website like i do then you want to look for a webhost that offers what is known as reseller hosting. I spend just $24.95 per month and I can host as a lot of domains as I want with this one particular account. Ahead of I found out about performing this i utilized to pay a seperate hosting charge for every of my domains which can be extremely expensive. The very best option I have identified for this is