There aren't many demands that cash advance companies ask for when their clients are applying for a cash advance loan, and First Cash Advance is no distinctive from one other cash advance companies. Today you dont need much in the method of demands, all you need is to be over 18 years of age and earn over $1,200 monthly, plus you will also need to be able to produce a few new pay checks that confirm that you are a normal earner who could make the settlement composition that the cash advance company will go over with you when you are recognized for the cash advance loan cash flow . Qualifying for a cash advance loan is straightforward for first time clients just provided that you meet up with the needs, then you'll be more than ready to be awarded a cash advance loan. For a customer, though, the method could become more difficult particularly when they were an undesirable customer before who couldnt match the payments [[ flow-plan-for-my-business/|cash flow management]] . Then you are most likely going to be rejected for a cash loan loan, if that appears like you and First Cash Advance will even suspend repeat customers who have been not able to keep up with the payments on previous loans. Then they are willing to simply help you, if you are willing to keep up with the repayments. You have to comprehend that cash advance organizations like First Cash Advance are trying to keep their business safe from customers who obviously cant manage a cash advance loan. They're letting those clients know that their budget does not help a advance, loan and that they have to evaluate their budget before they could submit an application for a cash advance loan. This is a tough but fair approach by these companies, but at the conclusion of the day they want to be paid back [[ have-a-cash-flow-plan-for-my-business/|cash flow]] .